Alquiler + Golf
Phasellus leo felis, tincidunt eu libero non, ornare dignissim felis. Nunc luctus nisl turpis, eget rutrum augue vulputate a. Sed porta lectus vitae ornare eleifend. Fusce et quam laoreet orci posuere accumsan. Morbi placerat semper scelerisque. Vestibulum rutrum laoreet dolor in congue. Aenean cursus justo non lacus egestas malesuada.
Nuestro paquete promocional
A continuación le detallamos el paquete de promoción de alquiler de apartamentos con golf:

Placed only 800 meters away from the Club House and the Hotel****, the apartments are situated in a privileged and quiet areaof the Resort near to shops and services.

Our golf departament also offers seasonal memberships very adjusted to your stay period, making possible you take the most of your time in one of the most emblematics golf courses of south Spain.
Para más información
(+34) 965 32 13 66